Monday, October 7, 2013

16 Shades of Trust

  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust is built over time, not in one night.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust without faith is blind.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust without action means nothing.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust is broken when promises are broken.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust cannot be given when respect is ignored.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust is destroyed if walking away is the main choice.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust is absent when secrets are present.

  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust requires commitment, not self-righteous justification.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust will die when left to suffer in the coldness of another’s soul.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust covered in lies breeds bitterness and distaste.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust cannot exist when kindness is treated like a plague.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust drowns in silence when left alone for days.

  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust still gives when there is nothing left to give.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust with love never fails.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust grows with tenderness.
  • It is easy for anyone to say “You can trust me,” but trust lives on, when hope is in place.

  • Sunday, November 20, 2011

    True Rhythm

    I do not dance to the beat of the autocratic drum.
    I do not flow like oil from a bottle poured into a scorching pot.
    My steps are not guided by canes, since they are not required to uphold my weight.
    I am not dependant upon the bread crumb trail to find my way, as it can be easily eaten by the Blue Jay.

    I am not held captive by lost time, words or deeds, when I move, I move forward.

    The waves are like my compass. Whether smooth, rugged, high, low or no movement at all, the ocean flows.
    My thoughts are like patterned clouds which cannot be sucked into storage, night or day they continue to form.
    The wind which passes through every treetop and meadow is a symbol of freedom for me.

    Everyday, though it maybe arduous, I flow
    Into the hearts of strangers, I flow.
    Into the life of the downtrodden, I flow.
    My rhythm is success unmeasured, I flow.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Setting in Motion

    What is Life?
    Beyond the usual term of a self-existing organism which breathes and grows, life means intent, creating for yourself a reason to exist. You were brought into the world a helpless babe, but you were meant to grow into someone of value.

    What is Purpose?
    It is to reach above the norm of merely existing, laying not only your foundation to build upon, but also impacting positively in the lives of others.

    Finding the Goal
    We were each granted different gifts to use during our life’s journey. They are not meant to be hidden or buried, but to be invested upon. Some of our talents may seem small in comparison to others, but once constantly applied, they will develop into a mighty fortress.

    Sunday, May 8, 2011

    The Patterned Soul

    Beauty does not come from fashion or the cosmetics on my face.
    It is not how I feel when someone says to me, you are beautiful,
    It is how I feel when I say to myself, I am beautiful.
    For the external self fades away with time but inwardly, I am immortalized.

    I am not defined by the thoughts of others.
    I am not the creation of manmade ideals.
    I will not allow callousness and spitefulness to feed my soul.

    Each day maybe filled with challenges and I may struggle,
    But it is also filled with hope of a better tomorrow.
    With courage of undying magnitude I will make a step forward.
    I do not step blindly expecting life to path a way for me,
    I expect to make a path through life no matter how difficult it maybe.

    The belief that I can conquer all odds is vital to my spiritual growth.
    I must have confidence that even if I fall,
    I will pick myself up and stand on my feet once more.
    Even if I am badly bruised and broken, my spirit will remain steadfast.
    For this, I will ensure that I am prepared for whatever life has in store.

    Sunday, December 5, 2010


    On the palm of my hand rests a seed.
    Trapped within its protective coat is a dormant organism waiting to be released.
    If planted this seed has the potential to sprout a new life and that can reach great stature.

    For development to take place however it must be buried in the earth, and with the right conditions a seedling will push above the soil towards the heat of the sun.
    This life will then continue to grow and survive provided it can absorb the proper nutrients when needed.

    Within all of us is the desire to attain greatness but our aspirations can only be realized through effort and zealousness.
    Just as dirt is the starting point in the life of a seed and from then on is an integral part of that plant’s existence, we must move ahead undeterred and determined to achieve our goals or they will remain locked away.

    In other words, in growth there will be struggle, but through difficulty we can become stronger and self sufficient.
    Once we allow the light of hope and the warmth of a new day to embrace our destiny, our lives will continue to flourish.

    “Awakening” is dedicated to the IS Foundation which is devoted to preserving our environment, caring for animals and providing humanitarian aid. For more info view the Foundation’s Facebook Page.

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    Lasting Impressions

    The thinking mind is an extremely powerful tool, but it can be easily manipulated especially from an early age. In the womb not only does the brain develop but there is also the development of thought and emotion. An expectant mother may not realize that her temperament and feelings are imprinted upon her unborn child. In other words, being a role model for a child as a parent really begins before the birth of that child.

    When the baby is then brought into the world and continues to grow, he or she has the ability to gather information from its environment. Even though children seem oblivious to their surroundings, they can differentiate a happy home from a home filled with rift and strife. Their minds are very impressionable so it is important they not be insulted or abused during correction, and that obscene language be avoided even if it is in conversation with another adult while in their presence.

    If you wish to build the self-esteem of your children, make sure the doorway to communication is open for them. They should always be comfortable to discuss any issue they may be experiencing from day to day. Hence, proper guidance is necessary to stimulate a healthy mental attitude so the adults of tomorrow can confidently, and intelligently deal with any obstacle thrown in their way.

    Sunday, September 26, 2010

    Rekindle the Fire

    Society’s view of the relationship has changed over the years. A century ago entering into a marriage meant, entering into a life long commitment. In today’s world if your spouse becomes uninteresting a divorce is the first option for a way out. It appears the value and warmth within the relationship is forgotten, and its continual development is seen as an inconvenience.

    In actuality, a living organism that is set aside and neglected will die, likewise, so will a relationship if not properly cared for. It is vital that time be reserved for communication, physical intimacy and simply to enjoy each other’s company. A union involves two individuals who are willing to cooperate, compromise and share responsibilities. It is an equal partnership.

    Additionally, arguments that dredge up deeds of the past will lead to nowhere. Learn to resolve issues through respect and understanding, both parties have a voice and both must be heard. Therefore, do not be afraid to relate your opinions, this should be the one place you can speak your thoughts in love, without being ridiculed.

    No relationship will be perfect as everyone makes mistakes, but it can last if both individuals are willing to protect their investment, and that investment is living as one.